About DTS
The Discipleship Training School (DTS) is a unique experience of seeking and getting to know God. It is an adventure which leads you to cultivate a more intimate friendship with your creator, to develop a Christian character, and to get to know God's purpose for your life.
Our motto is to know God and make Him known. You will learn to listen to His voice, to seek Him, to discover His nature and character, to follow His path and the destiny that you have in Him.
This school has two parts - the theory phase (12 weeks), which is carried out in the classroom of our campus, with different activities that prepare you to be able to carry out our motto, of knowing Him - and the practical phase, more frequently known as the outreach (8 weeks) during which we give what we have learned, whether within the nation or internationally, thereby carrying out the second part of our motto, to make Him known.
For more information about the DTS, you can contact us on info@ywammonterrey.org or click on the green "APPLY NOW" link below.